Friday, February 7, 2025


Name of Association: Malaysian Association of Medical Assistants (MAMA)

Formation of The Association

The Association was first initiated by a group of Medical Assistants in General Hospital Kuala Lumpur in early 1984. A protem committee was formed towards formulating the objectives, rules and regulations for the establishment and registration of the Association.

The Association was registered with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia with the registration number 413/86 on 20th August 1986 and was later change by ROS on 1st Sept 2013 to PPM-006-10-20081986.

The Association was granted accreditation by The Malaysian Public Services Department as a proffessional organisation on 4th August 1990 vide its letter PERJ.16800 JLD. 6/(30)

Objectives Of The Association

1. To cater for the professional interests of medical assistants and to all those having connection with and the practice of medical and health sciences towards helping to sustain standard and work ethics.
2. To facilitate the exchange of information and ideas by literary, technical and social activities on matters affecting the role of medical assistants in relation to primary health and medical care, emergency medicine, medical/ surgical specialisation and super specialisation and medical management, administration and supervision.
3. To foster and preserve the unity and aim or purpose of the profession.
4. To support a high standard of proffessional ethics and conduct.
5. To enlighten and direct public opinion on professional aspects in relation to medical and health problems.
6. To promote the advancement of medical assistants as a profession and to maintain the standard of training, service, education and interests of the profession at all levels.
7. To voice its opinion and to acquaint the government and other bodies with the policy and attitude of the medical assistants profession.
8. To promote and participate in social, medical and charitable activities in building an united Malaysian nation.

Membership of the Association

Membership of the Association is open to the following categories.

1. Ordinary Membership shall be open to medical assistants at least eighteen years of age registered provisionally or conditionally with the Registrar of Medical Assisants under the Medical Assistant Act, Act 180.
2. Associate Membership shall be open to allied health personnel who are qualified in their respective profession in Malaysia.
3. Student Membership shall be open to student medical assistants in recognised Medical Assistant Colleges provided that the student has prior written approval of the college head.
4. Foreign Membership shall be open to medical assistants or any equivalent category or personnel whose normal place of residence is outside Malaysia.
5. Honorary Membership shall be conferred on persons who are distinguished in public life or who have rendered meritorious service to medical and health sciences, to the medical assistants profession or to this Association.

Entrance and Subscription Fees.

The entrance fees to the Association at the time of the application is RM 10.00.

The annual subscription payable annually is RM 50.00

Honorary members are not required to pay any subscription.

Activities of the Asociation

Seminars , Conferences and Exibition
Continued Medical Education
Community activities
Participation in the formulation of policies for training of medical assistants
Participation in the formulation of duties and responsiblities of medical assistants.

For membership details and application form,kindly contact :

En Saiful Lizan bin Mohamad
Tel : 03-87340109
Fax: 03-87399452